Deer management units in Iowa, Grant and Lafayette counties [Admin.Code NR 10.104 (4)(b), 10.28 (map)]  - CR98-092
Hunting, trapping and captive wildlife [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.02, 10.06, 10.09, 10.12, 10.13, 10.145, 10.20, 10.31, 10.34, 11.02, 11.05, 15.022, 16.02] -  CR00-031
Hunting, trapping and wildlife research [Admin.Code NR 10.12, 10.145, 10.27, 10.40, 15.13] -  CR00-032
Wildlife abatement and control grants for urban communities [Admin.Code NR 50.23] -  CR98-093
Wildlife damage abatement and claim programs [Admin.Code NR 12.001, 12.10, 12.15, 12.16, 19.76, 19.775, 19.78, 19.79, 19.795, 19.80, 19.81] -  CR98-084
Game — Hunting
ATV, snowmobile, bowhunter and hunter education fees [Admin.Code NR 19.50, 64.09 (3)] - CR00-110
Deer hunting and the wildlife damage abatement and claims program [Admin.Code NR 1.15, 10.01, 10.001, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.117, 12.16, 19.80] -  CR00-154
Deer hunting in Council grounds state park [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.27, 10.28] -  CR99-155
Hunting and trapping revisions [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.09, 10.145, 10.31, 10.321, 15.022, 15.024, 15.03, 27.03]  - CR99-024
Hunting and trapping revisions [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.06, 10.13, 10.24, 15.03, 19.07] -  CR99-042
Hunting, trapping and captive wildlife [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.02, 10.06, 10.09, 10.12, 10.13, 10.145, 10.20, 10.31, 10.34, 11.02, 11.05, 15.022, 16.02] -  CR00-031
Hunting, trapping and wildlife research [Admin.Code NR 10.12, 10.145, 10.27, 10.40, 15.13] -  CR00-032
Local hunting, fishing and trapping ordinances: DNR authority to void [Admin.Code NR 19.40] -  CR00-088
Game bird
1998 migratory game bird season [Admin.Code NR 10.01 (1)(b), (g) 1.a. to k., 2. and 3., (u) 1 and 2, (v)]  - CR98-085
1999 migratory game bird season [Admin.Code NR 10.01] -  CR99-097
2000 migratory game bird season [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.12, 10.125] -  CR00-103
Turkey hunts by disabled persons [Admin.Code NR 10.40 (5)] -  CR98-179
Gaming commission
Gaming, Division of: contested case hearings arising out of the regulatory activities of [Admin.Code WGC 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06] -  CR99-069
Lottery retailer performance program: implementation and maintenance of [Admin.Code WGC 61.02, 61.04, 61.08, 61.085] -  CR00-078
Raffle: licensing requirements for conduct of [Admin.Code WGC 45] -  CR95-207
Gaming, Division of
Gaming, Division of: contested case hearings arising out of the regulatory activities of [Admin.Code WGC 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06] -  CR99-069
Motor fuel pricing [Admin.Code ATCP 102.21, 105, 105.001, 105.003, 105.007] -  CR98-097
Motor vehicle fuel sold below cost [Admin.Code ATCP 105.24] -  CR99-133
Gasoline — Taxation
Wisconsin interstate fuel tax [Admin.Code Trans 152.05 (2)(i) and (j) and (12)] -  CR97-045
Grant county
Deer management units in Iowa, Grant and Lafayette counties [Admin.Code NR 10.104 (4)(b), 10.28 (map)]  - CR98-092
Grocery store, see Food
Groundwater management, see Water — Pollution
Gypsy moth, see Forestry
- H -
Handicapped, see also Deaf
Adult family homes, CBRF, hospice programs, nursing homes, home health agencies and facilities for the developmentally disabled: non-expiring licenses and certification and required report for [Admin.Code HFS 82.03, 82.04, 83.07, 88.03, 88.04, 124.03, 131.14, 132.14, 132.31, 133.03, 134.14]  - CR00-001
Early intervention services for children age birth through 3 re developmental needs [Admin.Code HFS 90.03, 90.05, 90.08, 90.10, 90.11, 90.12] -  CR98-071
Elderly and disabled transportation capital assistance program [Admin.Code Trans 2.01, 2.015, 2.02, 2.04, 2.045, 2.05, 2.055, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08, 2.09, 2.10, 2.11]  - CR99-063
Family care: eligibility and entitlement; standards for aging and disability resource centers; protection of rights; recovery of incorrectly paid benefits; requirements to provide certain information to certain patients [Admin.Code HFS 10, 68.04, 82.06, 83.06, 88.06, 89.29, 89.295, 105.47, 107.28, 124.255, 132.52, 134.52] -  CR00-055
Occupational therapy [Admin.Code PI 11.24 (9)(c)] -  CR99-118
Physical therapy aide definition; tests re English; supervision of assistants and aides [Admin.Code PT 1.02, 2.01, 3.01, 4.01, 5, 5.02] -  CR99-066
Turkey hunts by disabled persons [Admin.Code NR 10.40 (5)] -  CR98-179
Health and family services, Department of — Administration
Interpreting services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing: criteria and procedures for reimbursement [Admin.Code HFS 77] -  CR99-009
Criminal record background checks re day care [Admin.Code HFS 55.55 to 55.62, 55.80; DWD 55.02, 55.03, 55.04, 55.05, 55.08, 55.09, 55.10, 55.11] -  CR98-204
Foster home care for children [Admin.Code HSS 86; HFS 56] -  CR00-020
Home mental health services for children [Admin.Code HFS 41] - CR99-032
Kinship care benefits for nonparent relatives of children [Admin.Code HFS 58] -  CR99-071
Mental health standards re community-based psychosocial services for persons with mental illness and children with emotional disturbance [Admin.Code Chapter 36]  - CR00-148
Neonatal intensive care unit training grants [Admin.Code HFS 114] -  CR99-020
Special needs children: adoption assistance program [Admin.Code HFS 50.01, 50.03, 50.04, 50.044, 50.045, 50.05, 50.06, 50.065, 50.08, 50.09] -  CR99-161
Special needs children placement in adoptive homes [Admin.Code HSS 51.01, 51.02, 51.03, 51.09]  - CR98-136
Health and family services, Department of — Corrections
Lie detector testing of sex offenders who are in community placement [Admin.Code HSS 98, 98.01, 98.03, 98.04, 98.28, 98.32] -  CR98-127
Wisconsin resource center: complaint procedures for inmates [Admin.Code HFS 97] -  CR00-134
Advanced practice nurse prescribers: issuance of prescription orders [Admin.Code HSS 131.13, 131.36, 131.42, 133.20, 133.21; HFS 132.13, 132.45, 132.60, 132.61, 132.65, 134.13, 134.47, 134.60, 134.66, 134.67] - CR97-134
Ambulance service providers and EMT-basic personnel: licensing of [Admin.Code HFS 110] -  CR00-092
BadgerCare program eligibility for certain families [Admin.Code HFS 101.01, 101.03, 102.01, 102.02, 102.03, 102.04, 103.01, 103.03, 103.04, 103.08, 103.085, 108.02, 108.03] -  CR99-106
Blood lead test results: reporting of [Admin.Code HFS 181] -  CR99-055
Communicable disease control [Admin.Code HFS 145.02, 145.03, 145.04, 145.05, 145.06, 145.07, 145.08 to 145.11, 145.12 to 145.20, 145.21, 145.22] - CR99-056
Critical access hospitals [Admin.Code HFS 124, 124.02] -  CR98-134
Dental service coverage under MA [Admin.Code HFS 105.06, 107.07, 107.08 (2)(d)] -  CR97-074
EMT - paramedic licensing and approval of operational plans [Admin.Code HFS 112] -  CR00-091
Health care information: collection, analysis and dissemination of [Admin.Code HFS 120] -  CR00-095
Health insurance risk sharing plan [Admin.Code HFS 119] -  CR98-108
HIRSP operation [Admin.Code HFS 119.07, 119.15] -  CR99-004
HIRSP operation [Admin.Code HFS 119.07, 119.15] -  CR99-113
HIRSP operation [Admin.Code HFS 119.07, 119.15] -  CR00-114
Immunization of students [Admin.Code HFS 144.01, 144.02, 144.03] -  CR00-171
Lead-based paint hazards: certification, identification, removal and reduction of; issuance and registration of certificates of lead-free status [Admin.Code HFS 163]  - CR00-172
Lead-based paint hazards: certification, identification, removal and reduction of; training courses; approval procedures [Admin.Code HFS 163] -  CR98-155
Poison control: statewide system provisions [Admin.Code HFS 167.05 (3), (4)] -  CR98-060
Recreational and educational camps [Admin.Code HFS 175] -  CR99-157
Restaurant revisions [Admin.Code HFS 196] -  CR00-059
Rural medical centers: operation of [Admin.Code HFS 127] -  CR97-047
Screening of newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders [Admin.Code HFS 115.04, 115.06] - CR99-081
Tobacco control grants: Tobacco control board administration and awarding of criteria; for recipients established [Admin.Code TCB 1] -  CR00-173